This is a bit strange and with hormones, there’s no report on what long term use would do, as 2 of the individuals did not return to normal afterwards with over 1000  participants.  In the US, this would be definite downturn from the FDA to say the least.  It does contrast a bit on how clinical studies may differ from those here in the US and condoms are still at the top of the list for both pregnancy prevention as well as disease control.  BD  

Researchers in China may have found a method for male contraception that is effective, reversible and without serious short-term adverse effects according to a new study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM).

“Despite the present encouraging results, the long-term safety of this hormonal male contraceptive regimen requires more extensive testing with a focus on cardiovascular, prostate and behavioral safety,” said Dr. Gu.

Dr. Gu said this study is the largest multi-center, male hormonal contraceptive efficacy clinical trial of an androgen preparation in the world. Participants included 1,045 healthy fertile Chinese men aged 20-45 years. Each participant had fathered at least one child within the two years before the study and had a normal medical history. Their female partners were between 18 and 38 years of age and had normal reproductive function.

Males were injected monthly with 500 mg of a formulation of testosterone undecanoate (TU) in tea seed oil for thirty months. Results showed a cumulative contraceptive failure (pregnancy) rate of 1.1 per 100 men in the 24-month efficacy phase. No serious adverse events were reported and reproductive function returned to the normal fertile reference range in all but two participants.

Injectable testosterone may provide effective male contraception | BreakThrough Digest Medical News


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