Here we go once more, a Congress discussing health care for consumers that has not one clue and offers not one role model on how to take care of imageyour health and has no clue on Health IT, it’s value and how it should be used.  Now we are adding on risk management with health insurance and the mess gets bigger, as risk management is only interested in cost, not necessarily better health care. 

Why is this a “do as I say world and not a do as I do” world? 

Right out of the halls of HIMMS this year, several others made the same observations.  We have no role model and keep working with Magpie Healthcare. 

From a previous post: 

Investing in Health IT: US Senate Testimonies

If you haven’t seen the broadcast today from the Senate and are interested, as almost everyone is these days in electronic medical records and healthcare, take a look and listen to what some of the guests are saying to the committee.  It will give you an idea of where we are and some of the questions posed by members of the Senate. 

It’s all right here with the Senate Committee from earlier this year, please watch and see the level of comprehension we have representing us with the Senate Committee.   This was from January, just before Obama took office.  Amazing nobody had seen an electronic medical record, much less a personal health record.  Education needs to start at the top so we can have role models as citizens.  Where are they? 

It scares me that some of the same individuals are discussing health insurance and what will occur as Healthcare, Health IT and Health Insurance all work together.  The best part is when Microsoft and Kaiser had to explain what a PHR was, which both handled very graciously.  “We don’t want techno-boon doggle”…. When Ms. Corrigan spoke the words EHR and PHR just appeared to fly right over everyone’s head.  image

Take time and watch this to fully understand and maybe by chance this could be part of the reason why the sessions will be behind closed doors.  One video is worth a 1000 words and it may shine some light on the direction the discussion may take when it comes for a health insurance plan for the country. 

If they were this far behind on general consumer healthcare items that were included with the Health IT discussions, gosh where is that going to leave us with a health insurance plan??  BD 

WASHINGTON - Senators are considering three different designs for a new government health-insurance plan that middle-income Americans could buy into for the first time, congressional officials said Friday. 

Officials familiar with the proposals said senators plan to debate them in a closed meeting next week. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because details of the controversial plans have not been released.

  • Create a plan that resembles Medicare, administered by the Health and Human Services department.
  • Adopt a Medicare-like plan, but pick an outside party to run it. That way government officials would not directly control the day-to-day operations.
  • Leave it up to individual states to set up a public insurance plan for their residents.

Senators on the Finance Committee will consider the proposals during a closed-door session scheduled for late next week. Committee leaders want to bring a bill to the Senate floor this summer. It's unclear whether a public plan in any form will emerge from Congress.

Report: Senators mull 3 health-insurance plans - Capitol Hill-

Related Reading:

Hospital Re-Admissions – This should never be on a pay incentive basis to reduce the numbers

Health insurers Come Up with One More Offer – Single Payer Supporters Disrupt the Senate
U.S. Congress has an inadequate understanding Value of Health IT – HIMMS Opening Session

Think tank details its ideas for use of health IT records – Do they use a PHR?

Clinical Trials in the US – Begin involving the physicians and patients at the point of care to achieve greater success and participation with Personal Health Records


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