We have a Congressman with some first hand experience here, he’s already on the government plan.  What is also interesting is that he’s a imagefavors a single pay system, a bit out of what we have been hearing of late too with adding a public option to existing plans.

When someone asked Rep. Norm Dicks this week if he'd be willing to be part of the same healthcare plan he's proposing, the 68-year-old Congressman said he's already on Medicare.
"I'm for the public option," said Dicks of a proposal that the federal government offer an alternative to private health insurance.
"I've supported single-payer all of my career," said Dicks. That idea would offer Medicare to all Americans regardless of age, but he noted that President Obama is proposing the public option, not Medicare for all.

And, Dicks cautioned, "President Obama has said that unless it's paid for [through spending cuts and/or tax increases], he will not sign the bill. I support that."

Dicks said strong tort reform in Texas had no impact on healthcare costs in McAllen, and Congress has been unable to pass national tort reform. Moreover, he argued, people who've been severely injured - he gave the example of removing the wrong limb - should be able to go to court to seek compensation.

Asked if the healthcare debate is distracting the White House and Congress from the worsening situation in Afghanistan, Dicks said "It [healthcare] is the big issue right now," adding that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is leading a "great foreign policy team."

Crowd grills Rep. Dicks on healthcare

Related Reading:

Goldman Stolen Code – Has Algorithmic Fraud Become A Business Model in HealthCare Too?
“Department of Algorithms – Do We Need One of These to Regulate Upcoming Laws?
Are We Ever Going to Get Some Algorithm Centric Laws Passed for Healthcare!


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