This has me curious with all the medical devices that now connect and send data to a cell phone, how will we be able to send data if they are determined to cause cancer? Is this a dumb question? Here’s one that does ultra sounds:
Being as such will the FDA now be required to approve certain phones that work with medical devices?
FDA may regulate certain mobile phones and accessories – Somebody ...
The FDA has approved this devices that collects medical data. Chances are that almost every new implanted medical device that comes on to the market will have some wireless capability, like the St. Jude implant with Merlin already has. BD
FDA approves HealthPal – Bluetooth Device that ...
This month marked a turning point in the quest by U.S. health advocates to gain credibility for their conviction that cell phones pose an underappreciated health risk.
Recently, a three-day Washington, D.C., conference on cell phones and health attracted attendees from throughout the world, and a Sept. 14 Senate hearing examining research gaps on the issue drew a standing-room-only crowd.
On Sept. 9, the Environmental Working Group released a report linking long-term cell phone use with increased cancer risks. In late August, a group led by Berkeley researcher Lloyd Morgan published its report, "Cellphones and Brain Tumors: 15 Reasons for Concern."
Safety advocates gain ground in cell phone debate -
We all know by now that cell phones are linked to cancer, but still there are many people who not only keep it in their pocket throughout the day, but also sleep with it right next to their head. It is a shame that the medical industry is looking past that and bringing such a dangerous device into the treatment of patients. Also, what mechanical bugs or inconsistencies may occur? It seems like a slightly insecure system, along with the dangers that cell phones already provide.