About 2 years ago I told many that Healthcare in the US was going to reach a point of revolt and riots, and sad to say it appears we are knocking on that door today.  We are seeing more efforts with organizing labor groups as people are in fear and want representation of some sort.  Things we imageused to count on being a constant are no longer that, but and today the constant is “change”. 

As one  who works with code and data, and others will vouch for this as well, you do notice the complexities, strategies and intelligence growing rapidly, and whether or not we like to admit this fact, software is running most of the decision and things we do in life today.  You have an option to deny that too, but we all know that denial will catch up with you at some time.  We also have those who have not been afforded the opportunity to be educated in some of the areas that are running our lives today.  Recently I spoke with a pediatrician who like all other doctors today has a level of frustration.  Kids have had all the toys, internet, etc. and are accustomed to being “busy”, in other words there’s something to grab and do all the time.  The problem lies when they get to school, and how to capture their attention in a focused learning environment, good question, as they are conditioned to looking for all the devices and things they know of already in life that entertain and keep them busy.

Now if we can combine the 2, then perhaps we have a win-win, but this was something the doctor expressed to me and is seeing more and more of this with parents discussing how to handle this and not knowing exactly how, parents from another generation where this did not exist, thus there’s no memory available for references.  I think sometimes even some of the same applies to us too as adults as we are all struggling for balance, changing the way we think and live, and that’s a hard nut to crack as life has changed and there’s no going back at this point.

I see resistance to change, resistance to reading all the time.  Old habits die hard and there’s a big level of distrust with technology and adapting new methods.  I used to see that big time with a hospital CEO who would see me with my Tablet PC and it was like time to run for the hills and no curiosity at all at to what the device could offer or do.  If being able to somehow perk that level of curiosity was available, that’s about half the imagebattle, but if that is dead, well the ship is pretty well sunk.

We’re getting nowhere in a hurry with all the bickering and arguing and around Twitter several have expressed concern too on the fact that those who are not educated and informed, could very well the the breaking point and the downfall, as when people do not understand and are not given truthful answers they revolt. 

Again, getting back to the technology side of this with watching more levels of code and aggregation being leveraged, we are smarter, well perhaps I should say those that take time to learn and participate, and those that do not, just still sit around and fight and argue as it is all they know.  There’s a big level of unbalance and it takes teamwork to get anything done.  Coders know it as it is inherent to work as a team and when someone writes a good piece of code, there’s no arguing and bickering, but rather appreciation and respect, as we all know how hard it is, and it might be a module I could use in one of my projects too so there’s an example of a good code of ethics.   If it’s really good code we can’t wait to share and show off a little too, but that’s normal with anything as overall it is an accomplishment.  When you give the code/program to an end user and they are saved hours and hours of time doing the same project manually that now takes 5 minutes, you really feel you have contributed to something positive and helped a fellow man/woman as you have given a huge gift these days, called time, time that can be spent with family and loved ones.  

It’s too bad that the ethics of most coders doesn’t flourish outside to others because it doesn’t appear to be much of this around today, sure there’s some but greed and control seem to be what drives all, sad to say.  We have new leadership in the country that is in fact trying to work in a more open environment and communicating, and at a very difficult time. We have made some real history with the new Executive branch, other Presidents didn’t have the problems in house today, the technology wasn’t there and wasn’t even explored to a high degree.  So instead of pointing fingers, it would be nice to have folks on a “real” team as the old scape goat routine is outdated.

Perception and paradigms are in ruins as the constants of the past are gone.  I hope our leaders can somehow maybe think like data/coders do, it would really help and we are all hands on folks that participate in whatever the project happens to be.  A little more of that would go a long way.  Again, as  mentioned above, I saw this battle coming 2 years ago as data and the complexity of the systems and software is what makes the world go around, and sadly to say when it comes to the human side of technology there are those who get caught up in it, and even Wendell Potter spoke about how it happens to you when working in such an environment without seeing the rest of what’s going on outside of it. 

You kind of look at philanthropy organizations like the Gates Foundation and might wonder why they pulled all their investments from pharma and imagebiotech?  Mr. Gates himself has been beating that horse for many years about education, but again so many times his message falls on deaf ears too, know that feeling, when nobody listens and already has their minds preset and fears change instead of embracing it and hope our leaders don’t give up as we will suffer as a country for not educating and exploring new technologies and working at team players, the big white technology elephant in the living room doesn’t go away and is always there to maneuver around.  

We created the complicated world we have today with data systems, information needed, processed, etc. and to not have everyone up to par on the understanding of how we need to function and worth within the algorithms created (and there not going away and many new ones are coming) is where the one of the biggest downfalls lies today.  People don’t need to be experts on computers and their technology, but they do need to know why things are happening the way they are and how they can participate in a constructive manner for themselves and everyone around.  Education….education…..education for all, hands on.  BD 

Democrats — and liberals in particular — want heroic measures and large scale intervention. They think the legislation needs big new ideas such as a public insurance plan that would have government offering coverage to middle-class workers and their families.

Republicans want a conservative treatment to relieve the worst symptoms of America's health care malaise. They're proposing help for small business owners and the self-employed, and some GOP lawmakers probably could go along with expanding current programs that cover the poorest of the poor. But no new government plan and no guarantees that everyone would be covered.

Analysis: More fighting could doom health care - Health care reform- msnbc.com


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