Wal-Mart is the first to pilot the program. I remember when the initial announcement first came out, I was actually doing some training work for Intel at that time. Similar to HeatlhVault, Dossia is a platform that can integrate and work with other software. Dossia is a non profit and thus Craig Barrett makes a comparison to Google Health and HealthVault being a retail type of service.
Wal-Mart Takes the PHR Plunge – Dossia Personal Health Records
This project has had it's issues getting off the ground amidst law suits, etc. The companies will pay a transaction fee for each employee and contribute 1.5 million each for the project. There are some pretty big names here.
I have to hand it to Mr. Barrett in going after the healthcare market again as this is not his first attempt here. Back 2 years ago in December of 2007 I wrote about Dossia and wondered if it was going to make it.
A Utility Called Dossia- will it ever fly?
Since this time too, there have been many other newcomers enter the field of personal health records as well. This program is “employer’ focused for participation where as with Google Health and HealthVault, anyone one can create their PHR and get started. Time will tell where all of the personal health records end up going too. We still have to figure on getting the patient involved first and educated to know how online healthcare records show value. It wouldn’t be beyond me to say that at some point in time you could even see hospitals consider some type of administration fee for patients who do not present some type of records as the digital move in healthcare moves forward. BD
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