This start up looks like a potential reason for the FDA to now join in the PHR/EHR crowd, which we somewhat have been expecting, but I’ll bet they didn’t expect this!  I guess in the future I can be chewing on Google Health and HealthVault with data integration if this proceeds as most have done.  We have all heard about imageVeri-Chip and how it now connects to HealthVault but for those who don’t want that “bump” to be noticeable, you can now be totally discreet.  If you wear dentures, they thought of that too, just don’t forget your partial or denture. 

VeriChip Implant Links To Your PHR Health Records, Credit History, Social Security With PositiveID

What was that the other day that Bill Gates said about innovation?  Your tooth is going to enjoy communicating more with your phone than you are with blue tooth, wait a minute that sounds odd, blue tooth for my tooth, literally?  It will require I guess what you might call a “tooth or gum reader” at the other end.  PHRs are certainly changing in where and how we can store our data I do have to say.  I fully anticipate one designed for earlobes to show up next.  I have added a bit of humor here, how can you not I ask! 

You also get a USB drive with the information for times when it is not convenient to go scouring the inside of your mouth. We are entering a new era, “the PHR you can sink teeth into”.  Wonder how the FDA will sink their teeth into this one (grin).  BD 

CROWN POINT -- Dr. Kevin Brunski wants to chip your tooth.

More specifically, the Crown Point dentist, who has a patent pending on his invention, I-Denti-Fied, hopes to one day see every person in the United States wearing the device -- a chip about the size of a grain of rice that stores a person's unique identification number linked to his or her entire medical history.

The chip is implanted in a tooth where it can neither be felt nor rejected by the body.

Brunski gave up his nearly 20-year dental practice a couple of years ago to devote all his time to market the I-Denti-Fied.


"I was disgusted with that. I went to pet my dog and felt this lump.  "It was his Australian shepherd Chesney's microchip that Brunski felt.


"They are fully HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliant," Brunski emphasized, to protect client's health information privacy. The information can't be stolen because it isn't in the chip, and the code can only be read by a special "reader," a gun, produced by the same company, aimed at the client's mouth.


The cost is $150, including one year of membership on the Web site, Brunski said.

Dentist's breakthrough puts tell-all chip in tooth :: Local News :: Post-Tribune


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