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We are all uninsured now
We are all uninsured now

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor give us her solution and suggestions to a better health care system...good reading...BD BIG NUMBERS, like 45 million uninsured Americans, are hard to grasp. But that number came home to me at a recent conference. The keynote speaker was former Supreme Court justice Sandr…

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Medical Quack - Updated Blog Format
Medical Quack - Updated Blog Format

I have recently updated the format used for the blog. The information that was previously located in the left hand column is now on the right, the content information and helpful links are still there. The color scheme has been changed to hopefully make it a littler easier to read and navigate. A…

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Patient Records Need Reviews - paper errors harder to find
Patient Records Need Reviews - paper errors harder to find

Errors on paper records are much more difficult to locate..something to think about by comparing to the use of electronic medical records.  BD  Mistakes can arise from a mistyped diagnosis code or transcription error to an inaccurate diagnosis or a diagnosis that is out-of-date, say because a patien…

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Assembly leader calls off vote on health care plan
Assembly leader calls off vote on health care plan

Continues to be work in progress in California...BD SACRAMENTO - The Democratic leader of the Assembly canceled a vote on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's sweeping health care plan Thursday, backing off from his threat to demonstrate how little support the governor's proposal has in the Legislature. Aft…

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HMO's prefer doctors who save them money - opinion
HMO's prefer doctors who save them money - opinion

Sad but perhaps somewhat true....BD  Finally, when doctors succumb out of fear for loss of income to any HMO's cost-cutting rules, eventually they lose their allegiance to patients. They eventually become more concerned about saving money for the HMO than giving their patients the best care. Puttin…

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Texas Supreme Court Rules Against Medicare HMOs in Hospital Reimbursement Fight
Texas Supreme Court Rules Against Medicare HMOs in Hospital Reimbursement Fight

Sound like a move in the direction of getting rid of some additional red tape in the claim process...BD  AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 31 /PRNewswire/ -- The Supreme Court of Texas has ruled that hospitals providing Medicare-related services can seek reimbursement in state court without first being forced t…

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Opinion and response to electronic medical records - Modern Healthcare Online
Opinion and response to electronic medical records - Modern Healthcare Online

  This, too, is in response to Al Puerini's letter where he wonders why electronic health records have not been widely adopted by the healthcare industry compared with other industries. In his letter, he says, "Let's ask the airline industry if they could even exist without computerized record-keepi…

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Heart Repair By Cardiomyocytes Produced From Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Heart Repair By Cardiomyocytes Produced From Human Embryonic Stem Cells

  Published online in Nature Biotechnology, the landmark study is the first to document the potential clinical utility of regenerating damaged heart muscle by injecting hESC-derived cardiomyocytes directly into the site of the infarct. In addition, the research confirms the effectiveness of a scalab…

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Angioplasties Increasing, Bypass Surgeries Decreasing
Angioplasties Increasing, Bypass Surgeries Decreasing

  Use of transluminal coronary angioplasty, or PTCA, a procedure for opening blocked arteries in patients with coronary artery disease, is now used nearly three times more often than the older and more invasive coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG), according to the latest News and Numbers fro…

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Calling On Congress To End Workplace Health-Benefits Inequity, USA
Calling On Congress To End Workplace Health-Benefits Inequity, USA

  This Labor Day, Mental Health America urges Congress to end a critical workplace inequity by passing legislation to establish parity between the coverage for general and mental health benefits for American workers and their families. More than 113 million American workers and their families rely o…

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Star Trek Medical Device Uses Ultrasound To Seal Punctured Lungs
Star Trek Medical Device Uses Ultrasound To Seal Punctured Lungs

"Doctors will scan the body from the outside, recognize where the injury is, focus the beam on the injury and use the beams to seal the wound," Jurkovich said. The futuristic medical technology's promise is substantial, he said. "It would be non-invasive and it would stop the bleeding from the outsi…

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FDA Approves Human Thrombin For Topical Use In Surgery
FDA Approves Human Thrombin For Topical Use In Surgery

New alternative to control surgical bleeding..derived from human donors and cattle...surgeons have the choice of which one they use...BD  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Evithrom (human thrombin), a blood-clotting protein used to help control bleeding during surgery. Evithrom is the…

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Telehealth Monitor receives FDA Market Clearance
Telehealth Monitor receives FDA Market Clearance

This looks to have real possibilities and yet simple and easy to use.  These same folks also make devices (phones) that can help you use Skype, the free Internet voice over IP calling system.    Blue tooth is alive and well and here to stay in health care too!  BD RTX Healthcare announced a 510k mar…

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CBS Evening News and CBS Evening News and "health insurance and red tape, physicians do like and welcome cash

Good video on how the physician/patient relationship can work when it comes to paying the bills.  As you see in the video, cash is good is available right away for practice expenditures, while insurance payments...well we all know how long those take for the EOB payments to roll in...and doctors may…

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Ruling may unlock key data on doctors relative to Medicare....
Ruling may unlock key data on doctors relative to Medicare....

Well worth reading, especially for physicians...Medicare could also have all your information relative to medicare cases up on the web for research soon.  As the article mentions, the data base is far richer than any private insurer could have...BD  A little-noticed decision last week, a federal j…

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3D functionality - KODAK CARESTREAM PACS
3D functionality - KODAK CARESTREAM PACS

Perhaps an eventual end to the workstations as PCs get better and better with graphics..also this technology is taking advantage of a virtual PACS server...virtual...the way of the future make possible by Intel chip technology...BD  Dramatic growth in study volumes and the number of CT and MRI ima…

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Biotech pioneer takes on Big Pharma industry to save lives
Biotech pioneer takes on Big Pharma industry to save lives

  (Business 2.0 Magazine) -- The power went out at Hammersmith Hospital just a few minutes after I started chatting with Sunil Shaunak, a professor who specializes in drug discovery for infectious diseases. Since it was a bright, cool morning in London, the absence of lights and air-conditioning did…

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California health legislation not looking so well these days...time will tell
California health legislation not looking so well these days...time will tell

  SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The prognosis for universal health care in California is grim this year, and experts say a failure could set back similar efforts nationwide for years to come. Unions, doctors and other powerful interests are arrayed against Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's $12 billion-a-year pla…

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Corp. execs don't enter data, why should docs?
Corp. execs don't enter data, why should docs?

I sure wish the execs would learn though, it would sure make it easier for everyone if they would at least do some data entry, even if for their own business and other Internet needs, besides that we would have folks in the decision making positions with some familiarity and perhaps get some better …

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Remedy sought for MD crisis --Upstate New York
Remedy sought for MD crisis --Upstate New York

  LAKE GEORGE -- The Adirondacks are hemorrhaging doctors. More primary care physicians are fleeing the North Country than ever before. Burned out by the grind of a country doctor, they're being lured away to other states with offers of better pay, more vacation time and fewer nights on-call. In so…

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Hospitals hone their Web-side manner with WiFi
Hospitals hone their Web-side manner with WiFi

As more hospitals add wifi to their systems, it might take some of the pressure off Starbucks...:)  BD  Now, in many cases, patients or visitors to hospitals can whip out their laptops or other wireless devices and enjoy the same free Internet access. Hospitals across Central Indiana and around the…

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Microsoft develops double-sided touchscreen
Microsoft develops double-sided touchscreen

A two sided touch screen this one has me thinking and dreaming a bit...BD  Microsoft is pioneering a new touchscreen that can be operated from both the front and back. The device aims to overcome the conventional touchscreen flaw of the hand covering-up much of what is being displayed.…

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RemedyMD® SpecialtyEHR RemedyMD® SpecialtyEHR", giving it away for free after September 1st..

Support and training...#1 with medical records these days and this company seems to be banking on it with the offer of free what good is the program if nobody knows how to use it and never trains...we have come a long way since the days where we picked up our AOL disc at the store and …

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Plastic Surgeon to the Stars by Chris Thompson
Plastic Surgeon to the Stars by Chris Thompson

 Interesting story about the most popular and famous plastic surgeon...he has a few suits following him as well...BD Brad Jacobs calls himself "one of the most famous plastic surgeons in history." At his clinic on the Upper East Side, he's performed thousands of breast-augmentation and liposuction p…

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FDA Clearance Received For First Cervical Artificial Disc
FDA Clearance Received For First Cervical Artificial Disc

The bionic hand, arm...and now the bionic disc. and this could be good news versus spinal fusion if it can still offer more mobility.  BD People who have suffered for years from degenerative discs in their neck now have an option that may relieve the pain in their neck and arm, allow quick recovery …

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Medicare Proposes New Rules For ASCs That Serve Medicare Patients, USA
Medicare Proposes New Rules For ASCs That Serve Medicare Patients, USA

One more new rule...who is going to do the inspections to be sure the outpatient surgery centers are compliant?  Is this a rule with out a budget to enforce?  Something to think about as I would rather see potential enforcement costs go direct to Medicare for claim payments instead...BD  The Cente…

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CMS Issues Final Rule Prohibiting Physician Self-Referral, USA
CMS Issues Final Rule Prohibiting Physician Self-Referral, USA

This puts an end to investing or participating in anything that could be related to the practice if you own part of the business it appears as this is one more item that will be not be covered...let's see how long is this list?  BD    CMS issued final regulations prohibiting physicians from referrin…

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Study Blames Abbreviations For Medication Errors
Study Blames Abbreviations For Medication Errors

This one should come as no surprise...pharmacists see this every day and I really marvel sometimes as how they can read some of the handwriting they see on the paper script forms...another good reason for e-prescribing...BD -- The most common abbreviation resulting in a medication error was the use …

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New AHIP Ad Campaign: Medicare Advantage Cuts Threaten Seniors' Health Security, USA
New AHIP Ad Campaign: Medicare Advantage Cuts Threaten Seniors' Health Security, USA

Time for politics this week...BD America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) has launched a new national television ad campaign reminding Congress about the devastating impact on seniors of cuts to Medicare Advantage. Titled "Last Time," the ad follows passage of legislation by the House of Representati…

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Doctors Hand Out 27% More Prescriptions During The Last Five Years, UK
Doctors Hand Out 27% More Prescriptions During The Last Five Years, UK

It has to be increasing at the same or similar levels here too in the US...BD  Five years ago UK GPs prescribed 721 million drugs, in 2006 the figure rose to 918 million, an increase of £10 billion per year in costs for the National Health Service. Some health experts are concerned that Britain may …

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Cooline - personal evaportaive cooling vest
Cooline - personal evaportaive cooling vest

I wonder what this will do for hot flashes?  Perhaps you might see more of the female gender sporting these...if it works, it could be well worth the money!  BD COOLINE - invest in better performance COOLINE mimics and supports the temperature regulation of the human body with its perspiration and c…

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Medtronic And Bayer Diabetes Care Announce Alliance To Provide Blood Glucose Meter To Medtronic Patients Outside The United States
Medtronic And Bayer Diabetes Care Announce Alliance To Provide Blood Glucose Meter To Medtronic Patients Outside The United States

  Medtronic, Inc. (NYSE: MDT) and Bayer Diabetes Care, a division of Bayer HealthCare LLC and a member of the Bayer Group (NYSE: BAY), announced an alliance to distribute and co-market a new blood glucose meter for Medtronic patients outside the United States beginning in Canada and Europe. The new …

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Tablet Kiosk Forums
Tablet Kiosk Forums

Great news...Tablet Kiosk now has a forum whereby you can post questions and comments.  This will be a great help.  Be sure to register in order to ask questions and receive alerts via email when comments are added to your post.  BD Active Topics Active Topics Display List of Forum Members Members…

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Docs often write off patient side effects
Docs often write off patient side effects

Side effects can be many and vary ...and there could be multiple drugs being use by the patient as well...not as easy as it seems sometimes to identify true side effect with multiple conditions and drugs...BD  NEW YORK - When patients feel they might be having an adverse drug effect, doctors will ve…

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GE Healthcare Announces FDA Approval For Mobile Mammography Screening Device
GE Healthcare Announces FDA Approval For Mobile Mammography Screening Device

  GE Healthcare on Wednesday announced that it has received FDA approval for its mobile mammography screening device, Reuters reports. The device will make it easier to increase screening for breast cancer in rural areas, Reuters reports (Reuters, 8/22). According to a GE release, the Senographe Ess…

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Hospital Size Doesn't Matter For EMR Sophistication
Hospital Size Doesn't Matter For EMR Sophistication

Anyone any size can make the transition...BD Contrary to conventional wisdom, new research from the HIMSS Analytics Database (derived from the Dorenfest IHDS+ DatabaseTM) has identified both general medical/surgical hospitals, and academic medical centers, that have successfully implemented almost f…

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Statins May Stave Off Alzheimer's, New Study
Statins May Stave Off Alzheimer's, New Study

  By comparing brain tissue of people who had taken statins with those who had not, US scientists have established for the first time that taking statins may help to stave off the telltale signs of Alzheimer's. The study is reported in the August 28th issue of Neurology, a journal of the American Ac…

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Employers Must Promote Healthy Lifestyles For Workers To Lower Costs, Health Officials Say
Employers Must Promote Healthy Lifestyles For Workers To Lower Costs, Health Officials Say

Do you know what your blood pressure and cholesterol readings are?  Your employer may want to know soon as it will save money to ensure you are working on a healthy lifestyle..or are least participating an an employer offered program...BD  Employers must promote good public policy, healthy lifestyle…

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700,000 New York Workers Lack Health Insurance With Young Adults, Men And Hispanics Topping The List
700,000 New York Workers Lack Health Insurance With Young Adults, Men And Hispanics Topping The List

  Having a job is not necessarily a passport to health insurance in New York City. One million New Yorkers -- some 17% of the adult population -- lacked coverage in 2005, according to a new Health Department report, and 700,000 of them were employed. The complete report, Health Care Access among Adu…

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Pharma lobbying shifts to states
Pharma lobbying shifts to states

  WASHINGTON -- At a national convention of state legislators in Boston this month, Novartis spon sored a reception for women lawmakers, AstraZenca financed two luncheons and employees from Bristol-Myers Squibb and other drugmakers pressed their views at panel discussions. "There was a visible prese…

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State purchases three mobile hospitals - California
State purchases three mobile hospitals - California

Fascinating technology on how one of these portable hospitals can be rolled out and set up in a hurry...picture below shows an ICU bed...and the units even have air conditional throughout...BD During the 1994 Northridge quake, some injured Angelenos drove to local hospitals only to find them severe…

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End the doughnut hole...
End the doughnut hole...

  Somerset County senior citizens who thought they were getting help with the doughnut hole provision of Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage with the new Somerset County Drug Discount Card received bad news from Tuesday's county commissioners' meeting. None of their purchases with the new NA…

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Time running out for health care reform in California..
Time running out for health care reform in California..

Also, California has the 10th largest economy in the state...BD  When Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger unveiled a sweeping proposal in January to extend health insurance to all Californians, Democrats and reform advocates hailed it as the best opportunity in years to revamp a system notorious…

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Calif. Weighs Health Plans
Calif. Weighs Health Plans

Good article on assessing Health Care in California...all eyes are watching what happens here as California has the 10th largest economy in the doubt what occurs here will have impact throughout...current polls also show a growing dissatisfaction from the public...article well worth readi…

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Grady Hospital Woes Hit Big Screens
Grady Hospital Woes Hit Big Screens

Web site link below to preview of the documentary created to save Grady Hospital in Atlanta...BD The fight for survival for Grady Memorial Hospital has been leading news coverage in Atlanta for weeks. The hospital faces a $125 million shortfall that could force it to shut its doors by the end of th…

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Healthcare Reform a Threat, Oportunity for Insurers
Healthcare Reform a Threat, Oportunity for Insurers

Tenet Healthcare Dismisses Garden Grove Hospital Worker Rally as Contract Negotiating Ploy A few weeks ago, we asked several Orange County insurance brokers, managed healthcare executives and others for their thoughts about health reform plans floating in Sacramento. The competing plans from Gov. A…

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Health Care For All In Massachusetts?, Despite Landmark Universal Health Plan, Thousands Of People, Mostly Young, Are Still Uninsured
Health Care For All In Massachusetts?, Despite Landmark Universal Health Plan, Thousands Of People, Mostly Young, Are Still Uninsured

 Health insurance flyers at the ball park...handed out with the beer and hot dogs...BD CBS) When Massachusetts' experiment with universal health care began this year, one thing it did was save Henry Murphy's life. After developing heart trouble last year, he lost his job and his insurance. "They th…

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Should Americans be forced to have health insurance?
Should Americans be forced to have health insurance?

Comparison to the laws requiring car insurance...would a new law solve issues?   BD Most Americans accept the idea to drive a car they need insurance. But what about health care? Should all Americans be forced to sign up for health insurance? In a country where the number of uninsured tops 45 milli…

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Helping bring robotic surgery to south county
Helping bring robotic surgery to south county

More robotic surgery coming to Orange County, CA...BD With a $1 million grant, Vitek and his wife Marilyn, 73, of Dana Point are establishing the Vitek Institute for Robotic Surgery at Mission Hospital the first of its kind in south Orange County. The once futuristic technology, known as the da Vi…

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LAPD probing possible Skid Row patient dumping
LAPD probing possible Skid Row patient dumping

Is this still happening?  The article states the mission is still receiving 2 or 3 each week?  Bd LOS ANGELES Police are investigating whether two more hospitals may have dumped patients on Skid Row, including a mentally ill man from Orange County who was left on the street without prescription med…

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Game lets patients blast cancer
Game lets patients blast cancer

The game helps educate patients about their disease at the same time..good thinking and innovation...BD ORANGE, Calif. - Chase Crawford furiously clicks a laptop mouse, firing chemo at an onslaught of cancer cells inside the animated lymph node of a virtual teenager. The 17-year-old leukemia patien…

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Clinton Team Health Care Plan Resonates with Medical Professionals
Clinton Team Health Care Plan Resonates with Medical Professionals

  About 150 people, most dressed in white lab coats or decorative scrubs, filled the auditorium at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center on Thursday afternoon to hear U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., unveil her plan to make America's health care system better. The speech is the second in a serie…

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Medical marijuana users want OC court order for return of pot
Medical marijuana users want OC court order for return of pot

Charges were dropped, but the goods have not been returned.  BD SANTA ANA, Calif.Two Orange County medical marijuana users want police to return their pot. Charges against Jim Spray, 51, of Huntington Beach and Felix Cha, 22, of Garden Grove were dropped but police agencies have refused to return t…

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Romney unveils healthcare reform plan
Romney unveils healthcare reform plan

It calls for each state to lead the role with support from the federal government...BD  WASHINGTON -- GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Friday released his principles for national healthcare reform but left out the linchpin of the plan he enacted as governor of Massachusetts: a requirement…

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Sorting out Medicare...
Sorting out Medicare...

One man's opinion and information on how to sort out what is he states things are just so very confusing these days, "it takes a PhD to figure it out" is difficult these days to sort all of this information as it appears to change very frequently as well.  BD Arthur Pitts sat in a pl…

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Doctor bills Medicare for toe clipping, foot massages
Doctor bills Medicare for toe clipping, foot massages

One too many toe nail clips...and incorrect coding..BD  NEWARK, N.J. (AP) _ A podiatrist pleaded guilty Friday to defrauding Medicare by billing for things like toenail clipping and foot massages and agreed to pay $1.2 million in restitution. The plea bargain for Ming C. Tung will settle criminal a…

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Diabetics May Benefit From Discovery Of 'Sugar Sensor' In Intestine
Diabetics May Benefit From Discovery Of 'Sugar Sensor' In Intestine

  Diabetes patients could benefit from new research at the University of Liverpool that has identified a molecule in the intestine that can 'taste' the sugar content of the diet. Researchers found that the sweet taste receptor that senses sugar and artificial sweeteners is not only present in the to…

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DIY pervasive health monitor keeps tabs on your vitals
DIY pervasive health monitor keeps tabs on your vitals

Both sites feature a video for additional information as well.  Looks like a nice 6700 pocket pc phone being use for this demonstration.  More use of Windows Mobile devices and wireless blue tooth look very nice as well on the unit.   BD If you think your heart rate-monitoring …

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Estrogen's Secret Role In Obesity Revealed
Estrogen's Secret Role In Obesity Revealed

Interesting how the body fat shifts regions in the body after menopause...something to be said for big hips prior to the change as well....BD New research on the effects of the female sex hormone estrogen in the brain lend credence to what many women have suspected about the hormonal changes that a…

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Insulin Pen May Replace Syringe For Diabetics
Insulin Pen May Replace Syringe For Diabetics

Good news for those who need insulin...I would also think the pen is a little more convenient to carry with you as well...initial cost is a small bit higher, and the pen seems to have a better angle on accuracy on the dose according to the article.  BD Diabetics who need to switch from oral medicat…

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Controversy over retail store clinics - this one was a good experience
Controversy over retail store clinics - this one was a good experience

In this case it was a life saver and he is now a patient for 2 specialists after the visit...BD CHICAGO - After three months of feeling lethargic with bouts of blurred vision, 65-year-old Jim Einsweiler walked into a clinic in his local Walgreens pharmacy, mostly, he said, to appease his wife. Hour…

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56 cents could cost a Louisville man thousands
56 cents could cost a Louisville man thousands

Claims not paid as the premium was paid 56 cents short...BD LOUISVILLE (WAVE) -- A Louisville man who thought he had insurance coverage for a much needed surgery found out he has nothing but a stack of bills. When he needed it most, his insurance was terminated. So, what happened? Troubleshooter Ch…

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Employment of the "fittest"...BD Thousand Oaks, CA -- August 23, 2007 --, a national leading provider of health and wellness products, announces an enhancement to employer benefits/awards programs. All employees of participating organizations receive a free membership ($20 v…

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Medicare tightening the screws on medical mistakes - Minnesota carrier has already started back in 2005 with this type of policy
Medicare tightening the screws on medical mistakes - Minnesota carrier has already started back in 2005 with this type of policy

This article compares how Health Partners did the same thing, but perhaps not as stringent in it's provisions and even admits the new policy may have additional problems once it starts there as well.  BD Three years ago, a Minnesota health insurer said it would stop paying for things that should ne…

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Single-incision Belly-button Surgery To Remove Kidney Performed
Single-incision Belly-button Surgery To Remove Kidney Performed

  Dr. Jeffrey Cadeddu, associate professor of urology and radiology, performed the "single keyhole access" surgery, the first of its kind involving a kidney. The entire procedure was completed with only one incision and will leave the patient with a barely noticeable scar tucked in the umbilicus, or…

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Doctors fevered over Medicaid HMO proposal
Doctors fevered over Medicaid HMO proposal

  The state would start with a pilot program that would require Medicaid patients in two contiguous counties to join HMOs, according to pending legislation that was tucked in a so-called budget implementation bill and has passed the Illinois Senate. Neither county was disclosed. The bill's fate is …

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Study reveals why common pneumonia is so deadly
Study reveals why common pneumonia is so deadly

  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A common cause of pneumonia can kill by causing bleeding in the lungs, researchers said on Thursday in a finding that may explain why antibiotics fail to save many patients. They found the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae secretes a toxin that causes severe bleeding in th…

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Largest Hand in the World
Largest Hand in the World

Picture says it all....rare condition and one huge hand...BD On July 20 surgeons undertook a seven-hour operation to reduce the size of Liu’s fingers and thumb. Doctors removed 11 pounds of flesh and bone in the procedure. A second surgery is scheduled to take place. Enlarged limbs can be caused by …

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Red Bull overdose stops man's heart
Red Bull overdose stops man's heart

Warning to those who like Red Bull...don't drink too many...BD  Ever wondered what would happen if you overdosed on Red Bull? Answer: your heart could stop ticking. I am not kidding. Australian man, Matthew Penbross (28), found that out recently after drinking eight of the super-highly caffeinated …

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Single-Payer Health Care System Would Increase Wait Times, Lead To Physician Shortages, Op-Ed States
Single-Payer Health Care System Would Increase Wait Times, Lead To Physician Shortages, Op-Ed States

There is no perfect solution on either side, but could we regulate health insurance like a utility, just like we do the power and gas companies?  They make a profit but have regulatory state and federal agencies that closely monitor their profit levels and increases that are passed along to the publ…

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FDA Approves Antipsychotic Risperdal For Adolescents And Children
FDA Approves Antipsychotic Risperdal For Adolescents And Children

Lithium gets some competition in this area...BD The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Johnson & Johnson's (J&J) atypical antipsychotic drug Risperdal (chemical name risperidone) for use in two types of treatment with children and adolescents. The approval was given yesterday, 22nd …

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Rare Use Of Drug Derived From Leech Saliva Lets Heart Transplant - And Wedding - Proceed
Rare Use Of Drug Derived From Leech Saliva Lets Heart Transplant - And Wedding - Proceed

Amazing story..scary how he was the picture of health one week and close to death the next due to a viral infection that weakened his heart...BD Los Angeles resident Daryl Vinson, 39, desperately needed a heart transplant but was allergic to heparin, a blood thinner that plays a critical role in tr…

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Lord of the Rings technology to help map wounds
Lord of the Rings technology to help map wounds

Fascinating technology to measure the depth of a wound...and appears to be another use for PDAs/Phones ....BD The SilhouetteMobile hand-held device uses lasers and state-of-the- art digital photography to create three-dimensional maps. One of its first uses was with Weta Workshop, which scanned wax…

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Senators plea for extradition in doctor's slaying
Senators plea for extradition in doctor's slaying

Sad story and reason is even the acne medicine made him impotent and that is why he killed the doctor?   I don't think so on this one....probably more here the lines here...BD WASHINGTON---- Illinois senators Barack Obama and Dick Durbin are urging the French government to extradite a…

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Tired of Waiting for a Doctor? Try the Drugstore
Tired of Waiting for a Doctor? Try the Drugstore

Convenience can be good, but time will tell the story on how they work long term...BD The concept has been called urgent care lite: Patients who are tired of waiting days to see a doctor for bronchitis, pinkeye or a sprained ankle can instead walk into a nearby drugstore and, at lower cost, with br…

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Poll shows more Californians favoring single-payer health care
Poll shows more Californians favoring single-payer health care

This is a huge jump from 44% to 69% being dissatisfied with health care in California...did Sicko have some influence after all?  BD (08-22) 04:00 PDT Sacramento -- - As voter dissatisfaction with the state's health care system grows, increasing interest is emerging in moving to a state-run, single…

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Medi-Cal Money finally in the State Budget...after 52 day deadlock - California
Medi-Cal Money finally in the State Budget...after 52 day deadlock - California

  SACRAMENTO After Republicans lifted a one-vote blockade, the Senate sent the governor a $145 billion budget yesterday that ends a 52-day deadlock and allows the state to pay nearly $3 billion in bills. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is expected to sign the budget late tomorrow or Friday. The state is …

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Doctor charged in autistic boy's death
Doctor charged in autistic boy's death

  PITTSBURGH - A doctor was charged with involuntary manslaughter Wednesday for administering a chemical treatment that state police say killed a 5-year-old autistic boy. ADVERTISEMENT click here The child, Abubakar Tariq Nadama, went into cardiac arrest at Dr. Roy E. Kerry's office immediately afte…

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Male menopause gets medical recognition
Male menopause gets medical recognition

It does exist...after all...BD With the continuing attention given to women in menopause, and the controversy over whether men undergo a similar "change of life," there has been doubt as to whether male menopause actually exists. But The Endocrine Society, an international organization with 13,000 …

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Bariatric surgery leads to 40% reduction in deaths, studies show
Bariatric surgery leads to 40% reduction in deaths, studies show

So it is a good thing after all if needed...BD Surgically induced weight loss produces as much as a 40% reduction in deaths in the 10 years after the operation, according to two large studies released today. Researchers already knew that bariatric surgery sharply reduced diabetes, hypertension and h…

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Sahara Tablet PC Graphics and Dictation
Sahara Tablet PC Graphics and Dictation

This is a recent post on You Tube showing the Sahara i44D tablet from Tablet Kiosk in use with Windows Vista and a couple interesting graphics programs.  I tried to show the responsiveness and quality on how the tablet responds.  Being able to switch back and forth between touch and using the stylus…

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