I sure wish the execs would learn though, it would sure make it easier for everyone if they would at least do some data entry, even if for their own business and other Internet needs, besides that we would have folks in the decision making positions with some familiarity and perhaps get some better decisions made.  Mobility works for everyone and I can't tell you how many times folks look at me like I am "Lucifer" when I walk in with a tablet pc.  I do it because it makes my job easier and I give better service to my clients by being organized too.  Mobility is where it's at today...BD   

This is in response to Al Puerini's letter where he wonders why electronic health records have not been widely adopted by the healthcare industry compared with other industries. In his letter, he says "Let's ask the airline industry if they could even exist without computerized record-keeping. Let's talk to UPS and FedEx and see if they think computerizing their industry has made a difference. How about the banking industry? Has it added to their efficiencies?" Most people fail to recognize that the sophisticated computers and systems that power American industries and streamline operations rely upon data entry performed by a workforce of minimum or near-minimum wage earners. These responsibilities fall upon the shoulders of cashiers at McDonalds, Gap and Wal-Mart, or clerks in the banking industry that enter information into computer mainframes. Data entry is carried out by the bank teller, the bookkeeper and even the UPS and FedEx deliverymen and women who hold a wireless unit in their hands at all times. One thing is certain: Highly compensated corporate executives earning as much as $250,000 or more are not taking on the tasks of data entry. So, it stands to reason that physicians, who earn comparable salaries, also would be unlikely candidates. Yet, it seems that everyone expects just the opposite.

Modern Healthcare Online


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