Good article here about efficiency with medical records...all charges at the front desk based on input from the back office, no more sloppy hand written receipts either...another good reason for no more paper...BD

A recent annual visit to my doctor's office showed me just how efficient electronic health records could be. I quickly noted that all of the healthcare professionals (doctors and physician assistants) were walking around with tablet PCs. These small laptops contain all of a patient's medical records that were formerly on paper.

In addition, my doctor's tablet PC contained patient screening protocols that assist the healthcare  professional in asking the right questions and not forgetting any important ones. My physician asked me a long list of questions such as do I wear seat belts, how much do I drink, etc. Additionally, he asked me some questions never asked before. It seemed obvious to me that all of these questions emanated from his computer, because he was looking at it as he was questioning me.

I had a pleasant surprise when I went to the reception desk to pay my bill. The receptionist already knew both the amount and the fact that the doctor didn't need to see me for one year. I asked, tongue in cheek, how the doctor could possibly beat me to the reception desk when I had just left him in the examining room.

She laughed and said that this was one of the wonderful features of the new computerized office -- appropriate information was immediately available to all of the staff. Therefore, there was no way that I could "beat" the flow of data from the examining room to the reception area.

Technology News: Data Storage: Healthcare, Computers and the Bottom Line

Hat Tip:  TabletPCTalk


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