90,000 medications scanned in only 2 weeks...BD

The eMAR system combines Bluetooth wireless technology and hand-held scanners to read barcodes -- just like the barcodes used in supermarkets. Under the system, individual dosages of drugs are bar coded in hospital's pharmacy, then tracked from the pharmacy to the nursing unit to the patient's bedside. At admission, all patients are given barcoded bracelets to be used for identification. The nurse scans a patient's bracelet at the bedside before medications are administered. If the nurse scans the wristband and medication, and the software detects a medication interaction, incompatibility or allergy, the eMAR system alerts the nurse. During the hospital's first two weeks of using eMAR, 90,000 medications were scanned; 6,000 alerts were noted -- 1,200 of which had clinical implications, the hospital said.

Hospital using barcode technology to reduce medicine errors - Philadelphia Business Journal:


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