Good article with some good insight...not something we like to think about doing, but there are times when a fresh opinion and physician could help out if you feel you are not getting your issues addressed...BD

Dr. Jerome Groopman knew he needed to break up with his doctor. art.jerome.groopman.jpg Dr. Jerome Groopman says sometimes the doctor-patient relationship comes down to chemistry. Five years ago, when he started seeing his internist, everything was fine. But Groopman says that in time, the internist became more popular -- and hence more busy and harried -- right when Groopman needed him most. "I have a strong family history of high cholesterol and heart disease. Every male in my family has had a [heart attack] in his 50s and 60s," he says. "I was moving into middle age, and I just didn't feel that my doctor was looking at me as an individual, and taking those factors into account.

Know when it's time to fire your doctor -

Hat Tip:  Kevin, MD


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