One person's opinion, and probably a good one at that...BD 

A mother cant afford to take her sick child to the doctor. An elderly man is turned away at the pharmacy because his fixed income doesn't leave him with enough money to pay for his prescription drugs. A nurse cant offer care because her patient doesn't have health insurance. Everyone knows someone with a health-care horror story. This Labor Day, the health-care crisis in Missouri and across America has reached an apex. New figures released recently show that 47 million Americans dont have health insurance. Right here in Missouri, 772,000 people dont have health insurance, including 106,000 children.

Some people believe “the market” can make this happen. We disagree. If the only insurance available is a product of a profit-driven company there is little doubt that many of the people who need coverage the most — the chronically ill, for example — will not get it. | 09/02/2007 | Americans are ready to fight for health-care reform


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