Man's best friend can be at risk as well, 2nd opinions for pets works too...BD

It was an absolutely devastating moment when we learned from our veterinarian that our sweet brown and white greyhound Finnegan had two months to live. A few weeks earlier, he had collapsed and lost feeling in his back legs. Ultimately we found out that Finnegan had a blood clot between two of his vertebrae pressing against his spine. With surgery, we were told, he would recover. As a precaution, once the clot was removed, it was sent to the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine for a biopsy. There was a greater than 90 percent chance that it was nothing, our vet said.

.....agreed that our dog's biopsy had been misread and he did not have osteosarcoma. Months later, instead of having cancer, Finnegan has made a full recovery.

Medical Error Is For the Dogs, Too -


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