Mount Sinai is using "smart cards" as a pilot program for patient medical alternative to storing records online...BD 

What about privacy? Because the cards have tough Triple-DES-level encryption, plus require a PIN code, they're "useless" if lost, Contino says. While Mount Sinai's privacy officer was initially concerned about the smart card project, that changed when everyone involved agreed that a patient entering a PIN code while using the smart card met HIPAA requirements quite well, Contino says. Mount Sinai offers patients the cards upon registration at the hospital, and at check-in time for follow-up visits.

To use the cards, hospitals need only the readers ($20 gadgets) and freely downloadable viewer software. To add information to a patient's card, they buy editing software.  "The card is portable," he adds. "A Web site doesn't have a security token that you can carry with you as you travel through institutions."

Hospital puts medical records snapshot on smart cards - Network World


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