Good article about using One Note as a digital notebook...I too use One Note and would be lost without it these days.  I watch folks dig through the root of the drive on their pc, or through My Documents to find stuff all the time, wasted time when a search via saved notes in One Note does it in a few seconds...I found I no longer have to rely on my memory on where an article is placed and know the Tablet PC and One Note can do it much faster than I can...he also brings up a very good point too about scanning in paper notes for those times when you may not have the Tablet with you...excellent suggestion and I do the again everything is in one place...and no paper...and the feature of adding an email from Outlook is one of my favorites as I have everything immediately available for meetings, discussions, etc. instead of wasting the time of others "looking" for information...ANYONE WHO ATTENDS MEETINGS AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INFORMATION AND JUST THE OVERALL CONVENIENCE OF HAVING EVERYTHING UNDER ONE ROOF CAN USE ONE NOTE - EVEN ON A DESKTOP PC IT WORKS WELL, ADMINISTRATORS, CEOS, CIOS, ETC. - ONE NOTE IS A TOOL NOT TO BE OVER LOOKED, PRICE IS NOT BAD AND IT IS PART OF MICROSOFT OFFICE AND INTEGRATES WELL WITH ALL THE OTHER UNITS.  BDimage

Kevin's note about note taking pointed to an interesting paper note-taker and how that system works well for him. I have to admit I got a bit dizzy looking at some of those busy note pages shown in the article but my motto is "always use what works best for you". That said, the paper notepad doesn't cut it for me because left to my own devices I am far too disorganized to be able to maintain a paper note system. I did that in the past and spent much of my time, often unsuccessfully, looking for that nugget of information that I needed and knew existed in my notes somewhere. Several years ago I gave up on that futile effort and my digital note system has worked flawlessly for me since. Here's how my digital notepad works for me.

It's no surprise that my note taking system is comprised of just a couple of tools, a Tablet PC and Microsoft OneNote.  Think about that with a paper equivalent.  I would need a wheelbarrow to carry all those paper notepads

jkOnTheRun: The digital notepad vs. the paper notepad


  1. I prefer digital notepads over paper notepads. They make a geek's life easier. You should just carefully choose the best digital notepad reading as many unbiased reviews as you can.


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