Hopefully when the "cars that drive themselves" become a reality it could stand to ideally help the intoxicated driver issues too....this technology is making a crossroad from medical technology already in use...BD  

HawkEye™ helps detect people who drive while impaired. Driving under the influence of drugs, other than alcohol, is increasing. Young cannabis users may not perceive their reduced driving ability after using cannabis.image
The System is simple and compact. It’s advanced features and benefits make it the “system of choice” for law  enforcement training worldwide.
Dick Studdard, the worlds first Drug Recognition Expert advised on creating the HawkEye™ System. The device magnifies the eyes and records eye behavior on DVD or computer.
Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) requires the officer to estimate pupil size. The HawkEye™ pupil scale overlays the imagevideo of the eyes. HawkEye™ shows the eyes dilation when placed in the dark.
Based on FDA-approved medical device technology, the HawkEye™ System allows for enhanced observation of eye signs, along with video documentation and a wireless audio microphone for comments and annotation.

HawkEye Video Portal: HawkEye - Drug Recognition for Law Enforcement

Hat Tip:  Medgadget


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