Good article and information regarding the old migraine headaches..and some idea on how to perhaps eliminate a cause or two...BD 

"All things in moderation" is a wise motto for all of us, but especially for those who suffer from painful migraines. These skull-crushing headaches can be debilitating and last for days, confining a person to a soft bed in a darkened room.image

But recognizing migraine triggers can help ward off a painful migraine headache, and doctors recommend keeping a detailed diary of what foods, events or activities trigger a migraine. These triggers are different for everyone, Newman said, but there are also some classic ones to look out for, including diet, weather or sleeping patterns. All of these triggers can disrupt normal serotonin levels in the brain, which serve the purpose of stopping a migraine before it starts.

ABC News: Major Headache? Seven Common Migraine Triggers


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