Overall the study states it takes about 6 months to see significant results..BD

A large, randomized drug trial has shown for the first time that statin drugs result in a modest, but significant, reduction in blood pressure. These effects may contribute to the reduced risk of stroke and cardiovascular events reported for patients on statins, according to lead investigator Beatrice Golomb, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and director of UC San Diego's Statin Study.  "While reductions in blood pressure with statins were measurable as early as one month into the trial, the lowered blood pressure was significant at six months."

Blood Pressure Lowered By Statins


  1. Statins bring more harm than benefits!

    I wrote about it in my blog, natural ways to lower cholesterol, which is actually about how to control inflammation, instead of cholesterol.

    Doctors should just stop prescribing cholesterol lowering drugs like that. They are trying to kill their patients.


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