If you want to read up on the latest genomics information, this is a good grouping of articles to view...a blog carnival is a mixture of some of the best articles written during a period of time, so you don't have to search the web page by page...take what you want (or in my case what I understand) and leave the rest...there is a combination of very technical posts as well as posts that contain good information at the layman's' level too...to access a listing of all past articles, Science Roll has provided a link on their blog as well...you an always find a link to Science Roll in the Blog Link area of this site as well...for those writing related articles, they take submissions for new material too...BD 

"Gene Genie is the blog carnival of genes and gene-related diseases. Our plan is to cover the whole genome before 2082 (it means 14-15 genes every two weeks). We accept articles on the news of genomics and clinical genetics. The news and articles of personalized genetics are also included. Check out Gene Genie for more about this unique field of medicine."image

Gene Genie #31 at Adaptive Complexity « ScienceRoll


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