For those still relying on newspapers...they are going away....but now we have options...and some can be good and some not so can in fact filter your news to where it drills down to only those areas that effect you...good in some ways, bad in others as the entire big picture is now a small picture in fact...need a combination of both...the days of a public wide perspective are going, going...gone...BD
By perspective, I mean generalized or common knowledge. When you pick up The New York Times and look at the front page, you get a general perspective on world events. As you page through the newspaper, you see all sorts of interesting articles that you might not have read if you were merely surfing the Net for news. Over time, this sort of happenstance approach to information gives a reader perspective on things. You have a sense as to what the economy is doing. You know if some international disaster has occurred. You are more tuned in.
This is going away.
"These people eat up information from the Internet and they believe everything they read. They pass along gossip as fact. They fall for every hoax under the sun (especially the very old ones). You wonder when some Nigerian is going to fleece them. I have no idea what is going to happen when it dawns on this crowd that they are useless boneheads.
On the other end of the spectrum are the smart set, whose members also have no perspective. All they know is their business and not much else. They, too, are on the Net all day, getting a narrow stream of information. "
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