This goes back to my series about "Are you still just using your cell phone for phone calls" that I did a while back...with health care there's a need and interest to have more than just a many of the telemedicine features and wireless monitoring that is becoming front stage with health care...BD

New York, NY (AHN) - Fewer pre-paid and basic cell phones are being sold in the U.S. as a widening adoption of post-paid cellular plans and high-end mobile phones reshape the market, studies said.

Driving the changes is a double-barreled case of a slowing economy and a maturing U.S. wireless market. With more than eight in 10 Americans owning a cell phone, demand is dropping. Bernstein Research found a 23 percent drop in new U.S. cellular subscribers.

Pre-Paid, Basic Cell Phones On Decline | AHN | May 22, 2008

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