Hard Hat Area:  Citrix is also exploring and implementing new features and products...based on Windows Server....migrating to Server 2008....repeaters that should really offer some fantastic benefits and even better once the Server 2008 migration has taken place!  BD 

"This is the first of its kind dedicated platform for delivery to branch offices," Sanjay claimed. Local offices would locally stream the application, which is where the software license would be applied. Otherwise, applications would have to be streamed from servers located at further-way locations, potentially impeding performance.

"Microsoft and Citrix have been working on this for about two years," he added.

Enterprises "don't have to pay for Windows Server separately," Sanjay said. He said that Windows Server is an integral part of the software. "The shipping version is 2003. By the end of the year, we'll be migrating to 2008."

Microsoft Watch - Server - Like TV, It's Branch Repeater


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