Why not...with all the pharmaceuticals being manufactured overseas under the direction of the companies here in the US...they need some type of authority to create corrective action as needed or to gather needed information quickly for a decision making process....when having to go to another government agency it adds time to the procedure and eventually people could die while the process to proceed with an investigation or gather information is taking place...BD

Bart Stupak says yes. The Michigan Democrat, who heads the House subcommittee that has been probing the agency for all sorts of reasons, wrote a letter last week to FDA commish Andy von Eschenbach to ask whether he would support efforts to provide subpoena power.

The move comes after recent house committee testimony from Janet Woodcock, who runs the drug review branch, and Deborah Autor, who heads the agency’s Office of Compliance. Stupak, who would like to add subpoena power to the drug importation bill pending in the House, made a point of asking both officials whether subpoena power would be helpful. Their answers? Yes.

Pharmalot » Should The FDA Have Subpoena Power?


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