The bio tech's best friend is really becoming a best friend...clinical trials a related story in Korea, they are actually cloning the they say they are easier to train....interesting story, but I don't think the family dog is going to be anywhere near the first line of detection though for most any time soon...and imagein California a BioTech company is going to auction the chance to Clone a Dog...bidding starting at $100,000....but this is just a clone here, and not the cancer detecting dogs...BD

DOGS in Aylesbury are using their noses for groundbreaking medical  research.  Cancer and Bio-Detection Dogs is a world leading research project looking into how dogs can smell the odors given off by cancer.
Claire Guest is training dogs to sniff out cancers. She told The Bucks Herald how the project started.

Anecdotally , dogs have detected breast cancer, bowel cancer, malignant melanoma and lung cancer, however there have not been full clinical trials on these.

Clinical trials have been done on bladder cancer that have been going very well.
The trained dogs have five urine samples put out in front of them, one is known to contain bladder cancer while the other four have other diseases. The dog then goes along the line, sniffing each one, and when it smells cancer it lies down in front of the appropriate pot. The dog then leaves the room, the pots are moved around and the trial is repeated.

"This is the bio-detection part of it, but in addition to the research project we are already training dogs to detect hypoglycaemic episodes within diabetes patients."
These dogs alert their owners when they are about to have an episode so that they prevent it.

The dogs with a nose for cancer - Aylesbury Today

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