The company, Accium Biosciences runs a device called a spectrometer, and it qualifies the amount of c-14, present in a sample, so what does all this mean?  The image sample gives information relative to the drug makers as to how the drugs are working, big news coinciding with personalized medicine. This can relate vital information before setting off with clinical trials.  This process is just beginning in the US and it might make sense for the pharmaceutical companies to think about owning one of their own.  Patents are pending for the device.  This could allow for determining known side effects before any clinical trials get going. "I start biotech companies," he said…BD  image

Glenn Kawasaki, a serial Seattle biotech entrepreneur, now runs one of four companies in the world that can detect almost exactly how much of a pharmaceutical company's drug reaches a targeted body part. But despite revenues that are expected to triple this year and customers that include five of the 10 largest drug companies in the world, Kawasaki hopes to sell the business and instead concentrate on its potential applications in the field of personalized medicine. What would happen, he asked, if instead of drug companies, his customers were patients? Potentially, he said, a doctor could give a patient with a brain tumor a higher dose of the one drug that most effectively reached the tumor, sidestepping additional drugs that could have harmful side effects.

Detecting the efficiency of a drug on a body part


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