Health IT technology finally resolved with terminology. If you ask many physicians though, they may not know the answer as this has evolved pretty rapidly over the last couple years. The term EMR still prevails, even when describing an EHR, which designates interoperability, something most vendors are working at vigorously. An EMR system refers to a single based software application.
Still there is the cost, and physicians still need help in this area affording the purchase. There is also a certification process that gets a bit heated as well. The cost for vendors is not cheap, and all their products may not be certified, which also tends to cloud the water a bit. Not only is it the question of interoperability, but how interoperable is the software. It may perhaps meet today’s standards, but what about in a few months, as everything is evolving so rapidly. Certification should not hold such a high price tag as it does in it’s present form as many potential software vendors forego the process and it does limit the number of vendors who can compete in the arena. BD
Washington -- EHR, EMR, PHR -- what's the difference? Any physician pondering the purchase of health information technology could well ask that question. Now a national organization working for the government has come up with the answer.
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