At the top of the list is Amgen, trying to hold on amidst recent news and studies…1 billion is a lot of money.  BD 

The big health-policy debates roiling Washington are still up in the air, but it’s already clear who the big winners are: Lobbyists.

The pharmaceutical industry spent $168 million on lobbying last year, up 32% from the year before, says a report out today from the nonprofit Center for Public Integrity. Over the past decade, the drug and device industries have collectively spent more than $1 billion on lobbying, the group said.


  1. Thanks for the information on how much drug companies spend on their lobbyists. $168 million's alot of money!

    We recently wrote an article on drug companies relationship with doctors at Brain Blogger. Though the Research Ethics Boards exists to protect research subjects in clinical trials by providing guidelines, sometimes healthcare companies and doctors find a way around them. Is money that big a draw that a doctor could go against his own ethics?

    We would like to read your comments on our article. Thank you.


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