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Nationwide study shows that states do not have adequate laws to protect individual health care consumers.  State of California just went through this with getting several carriers to re-instate many policy holders.  In addition, when you do have a policy, what does it cover?  I have asked many here of late from CEOs to office employees, to image just the person on the street and nobody really knows much about what is covered and what is not under their health care policies. We all receive the big printed books that you almost need an attorney to decipher, so it’s no wonder it’s difficult to get better protection with laws.  What would the laws protect and how do you muddle your way through all the pages of deep text to figure out how to create better solutions?

Health insurance policies have been evolving for a long time with inclusions, exceptions, etc. and the book just keeps getting bigger.  It would be nice to have something a little easier to deal with, as many who think they are covered, find out otherwise in their time of need for critical health care and the reports and statistics reported today clearly tell the story.  BD 

But during her search, Watson discovered she lives with a medical condition that has considerably hampered her efforts to find coverage. With precursor symptoms to leukemia, Watson said she was been red-flagged by insurers for not initially informing them about her condition. Now she cannot find a health insurance company to cover her that she can afford. And with a pre-existing condition, most plans won't even take her. "I'm very frustrated," Watson said. "We've lost our savings, our 401k, I've lost my business.

ABC News: Health Care Group Calls for Better Protections


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