One example is the “lab on a chip” using technology originally developed for ink jet applications and India is the place for development.  Other uses include smaller ECG machines, insulin pumps, and implanted devices, such as a brain stimulator to be used for Parkinson’s disease.  In addition monitoring products such as blood pressure machines hold large potential for expansion.  GE and the University of Pittsburgh are developing a virtual microscope to analyze slides from computer monitors and share the results anywhere over the web.  BD 

And, it seems, medical applications—growing at 12% annually, higher than any other semiconductor application, according to market research firm Databeans Inc.—could well be the knight in shining armor.

The industry has begun chipping at the opportunity. Texas Instruments Inc., or TI, recently unveiled a new class of chips for portable to high-end ultrasound diagnostic equipment, which the company says allows better image quality and reduced power consumption.


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