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The full article contains the vendor listing.  Will Microsoft be stepping forward to set some standards in healthcare and be helping in a few other key areas?  BD 

Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft Corp. has unveiled its work on a multi-vendor initiative designed to connect U.S. Health and Human Services agencies using disparate information systems. The vendor announced its progress on the Connected Health and Human Services Framework at the Government Health I.T. Conference & Exhibition this week in Washington. The initiative began about three years ago after Microsoft invited various vendors to help overhaul HHS agency information systems by developing a framework that creates consumer-centered scenarios of information that all agency caseworkers can access. The resulting applications have been built on the Microsoft .NET platform and are being implemented at HHS agencies across the United States. Microsoft has funded the development of the framework, and its vendor partners ultimately will sell their applications that run on it to HHS agencies.

Microsoft Tech Connects HHS Agencies


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