I have to say this week I was absolutely amazed to see what I call spam coming from a surgery center in Orange County, California.  That makes me ask, is the business slowing down to where such emails and postings arise from what appears to be a fairly large organization? 

In actuality, the post was made to a professional group posting on MSN Groups.  This spam1was not a typical spam, but one where a group had to be created first of all.  The next step was to join other groups, and most have an open door policy, trusting most.  The return link was “dead”, in other words, after the message had been sent, the group created was now gone and the sender was nowhere to be found, as well as the new member. 

I don’t know if this was done by a marketing firm or done in house, but there was a live link to a website and phone numbers to call.  On the list was everything from plastic surgery to gastrointestinal surgery, pain management, hernias, etc.  I just always consider health care very professional, and yes they too need to market in today’s world, but to create something in the category of “spam” to market when there are other ways to advertise, such as online ads, blogs, and other web sites on the Internet.  Let’s face it we are already bombarded with all the Viagra and Cialis ads we can stand as well as a few others.  Again, this puzzles me as to why a surgery center would resort to this type of advertising, as if I had this impression, undoubtedly others will too, and it was removed from the site almost as soon as it was posted, so very little was accomplished in the way of driving any business with this methodology of advertising.  I do hope not to see any more emails and postings like this any time soon.  BD 


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