New book on the market to replace and goes beyond Master and Johnson…and she tells of all her strange clinical/lab, if that’s what you call them, experiences.  According to the article, her latest research proves to the reader that sex (at least when not a participant) can be either hilariously funny or disgusting.  She has to have a pretty open minded husband to say the least and it sounds like she’s right up there on top of the money pyramid.  BD  image

"When you get past the jargon, you have a new awareness of all things in your body and become a scientist in your own bedroom, and that can be really distracting," said Roach. "I found it annoying.”

In 2007, she had sex with her husband while a British doctor waved an ultrasound wand over their private parts testing their genital responses to the imagesoundtrack of "Les Miserables." 

Her compliant husband — innocently lured to London with the promise of "an all-expense paid trip" and a day at Stonehenge — rose to the occasion with a dose of Viagra, she says. It was all for the sake of Roach's new book — "Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex" — which reached #10 on the New York Times bestseller list this spring.


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