This makes sense…promoting products via You Tube..why not, as we see everything else on the web.  This is actually a very smart marketing process.  After watching the video I walked away with a bit more knowledge that what I had before. 

With all the emerging technologies coming out so rapidly today, media is the way to go to quickly get the word out.  The cardiac assist device featured in this video has just cleared the FDA and stands to save lives.  We used to only have television for our news and media, but it’s up to us to take a look on the web today, and you might just learn something. 

Visit the post for additional information.  A well made point here indeed.  BD 

As Congress moves to consider many FDA and pharmaceutical marketing reforms, one of the areas that they will be looking at quite closely is Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) advertising.  The reform could take on many aspects from giving FDA more power to regulate to an out and out ban of DTC during the first years after approval.

Eye on FDA: Postscript to Yesterday's Posting - YouTube and Product Approval


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