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Moses Cone Health System invests $2M to subsidize electronic records in its clinics
Moses Cone Health System invests $2M to subsidize electronic records in its clinics

Moses Cone Health System, is a five hospital system based in North Carolina and is subsidizing the cost of electronic medical records for their physicians, with GE Centricity,  8 offices are already online.  BD Moses Cone Health System expects to have an electronic medical record system in place fo…

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Waging Health Battles by Fax Bots
Waging Health Battles by Fax Bots

This is a very good article here that talks about what goes on in the back side of a medical practice.   When working with an HMO or PPO contract it can be a very time consuming process.  Because of all the faxing and paper work that some IPAs require who are not set up on the web, this is one big…

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GlaxoSmithKline to axe 850 jobs in R & D
GlaxoSmithKline to axe 850 jobs in R & D

Other Pharma businesses have done or will be doing the same, much of R and D is moving other areas where the cost is 1/5 of that here in the US, so 5 times the number of projects ongoing for the same amount of money, which also means in the same terms there can be 4 failures of drugs in the same co…

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Medicare's No-Pay Rule Is Small Potatoes for Hospitals' Bottom Line
Medicare's No-Pay Rule Is Small Potatoes for Hospitals' Bottom Line

Small potatoes maybe in the overall picture, but where I go for health care as far as a hospital may be one of the 50% in this country that are bordering on insolvency, so add on a legal suit to one of the “never-never” rules and then what happens?  I am not speaking of wrong side surgeries, but mor…

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Cookies With Melamine Found in Netherlands
Cookies With Melamine Found in Netherlands

One more tainted milk product.  BD Officials in the Netherlands say two types of Chinese-made cookies have been found with elevated levels of the industrial chemical melamine. The Dutch Food Safety Authority said Tuesday the chestnut and chocolate flavored cookies from the "Koala" brand are now…

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Lipton recalls milk-tea – One more tainted milk manufacturer
Lipton recalls milk-tea – One more tainted milk manufacturer

More products recalled, and this appears to not affect the US, but who knows for sure anymore.  Again, I go back to having every product that is consumable, drugs included to be labeled for the city, state, and country of origin.  This is a perfect example here where the only thing we have to go on…

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Silent Cell Phones at School or in Selected areas of Medical Facilities?
Silent Cell Phones at School or in Selected areas of Medical Facilities?

This is something this is addressed in hospitals too, the answer is a no audible cell phone zone.  You post a sign that this is a no wireless zone and all are warned, so classes, certain areas in hospitals, by just being in the zone deadens the phone, but as soon as you leave the selected area, you …

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Two More Hospitals Sign for Amalga from Microsoft
Two More Hospitals Sign for Amalga from Microsoft

Amalga from Microsoft with a focus on business intelligence.  Recently I posted relative to El Camino hospital in the silicon valley area also selecting Amalga for their new facility. As well all know, integration services through out healthcare is moving quickly, as recently posted Kaiser, the VA…

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CCHIT Certifies 10 Ambulatory EHRs
CCHIT Certifies 10 Ambulatory EHRs

The number gets a bit smaller each year as integration steps in as a priority.  What I found interesting though is that 2 are pending an installation at a physician’s office?  Usually a developer works with a Beta application first to ensure that it is in fact working and has feedback from the phys…

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Add some style to your boring crutches
Add some style to your boring crutches

Why not, designer crutches!  They look good and appear to add a bit more padding too.  BD  Crutches area generally used by patients who have injury below the waist. They hurt the arms, hands and certainly offend your style. So Laurie Johnson, who is the founder of LemonAid Crutches and also a vic…

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Microsoft calls on Congress to reconsider bailout
Microsoft calls on Congress to reconsider bailout

Congress was “outcoded” by Wall Street it appears and now can’t make a decision to save our necks  Nice work here, but we don’t seem to have enough smart brains working in Washington these days, so at this point I would not have any objections to even a bit more nudging from their part.  At lea…

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Medical Quack on Reuters, Wall Street Journal, and other Online Publications
Medical Quack on Reuters, Wall Street Journal, and other Online Publications

A reader was asking me the other day to post some samples on what goes beyond the blog, so here goes a few samples from this week.  If you are a regular reader of Reuters, you may have run across one or two and there are some from a few others, Wall Street Journal, Chicago Sun Times, Palm Beach Post…

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Ohio Sales Rep's Information Launched Massive Government Investigation of Cephalon
Ohio Sales Rep's Information Launched Massive Government Investigation of Cephalon

Whistle blower case where Pharma Sales representative created an investigation and settlement.  Whistle blowers can and do receive portions of settlements, and in this case there was  $46 million.  The uses marketed by Cephalon were not approved by the FDA.  Doctors can prescribe for off label use,…

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Emdeon Acquires Patient Statement Business From GE Healthcare
Emdeon Acquires Patient Statement Business From GE Healthcare

GE Centricity(TM) customers will now be served via Emdeon, who is already established as a GE Healthcare partner, but will be handling more of the administrative areas.  BD  NASHVILLE, Tenn., Sept 29, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Emdeon, a leading provider of revenue and payment cycle manageme…

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Misys Gets Funds for Allscripts Deal
Misys Gets Funds for Allscripts Deal

This appears to be a second life here for financing after the Lehman bankruptcy put the brakes on the existing investments that were to move the merger.   Also in the news of late: Misys Healthcare Systems and iMedica Corp. have settled a dispute over a year-old contract under which Misys licens…

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Violations Reported at 94% of Nursing Homes
Violations Reported at 94% of Nursing Homes

94 percent of for-profit nursing homes were cited compared to 88% of non profit.  163 nursing facilites will receive an extra effort in the monitoring end of things, this is scary. For profit numbers somewhat indicate there’s more interest in a dollar than healthcare, but all together, look at thes…

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Mayo & Johns Hopkins CEOs Want Buffer Between Congress & Medicare
Mayo & Johns Hopkins CEOs Want Buffer Between Congress & Medicare

Is this any indication on how the big healthcare institutions think of Congress, much less Medicare?  We have lived through the Medicare nightmares for the last number of years and all we hear is cut, cut and cut again, as there’s such an over lack of knowledge in healthcare that really is not under…

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Talcum powder considered an ovarian cancer risk – similar to Asbestos
Talcum powder considered an ovarian cancer risk – similar to Asbestos

The risks are greater if you the glutathione S-transferase M1, or GSTM1 genes, so it appears we need to find out if we have that gene as females to see how risky talcum powder would be.  I guess sooner or late we are all going to want to know more about our genes so we can figure out not only what …

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HIMSS Objects to Provisions in Stark's Health IT Legislation
HIMSS Objects to Provisions in Stark's Health IT Legislation

I can understand this as we do not have a shortage of electronic medical records software out there, so why create one more system, the doctors and hospitals are up to their ears in learning curves these days.  Besides, if they don’t use all the funding, the entire project might just get their bu…

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Cadbury pulls melamine-laced chocolate from China
Cadbury pulls melamine-laced chocolate from China

More chocolate woes, you know I think I’m going to give up chocolate all together.  Between all the recalls on the melamine laced products and the fact that even here in the US, you don’t get real cocoa butter anymore in some of the products from Hersheys, but yet we get these reports that chocolat…

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Clinical Data Online begins to market genomic testing to physicians and consumers through Website
Clinical Data Online begins to market genomic testing to physicians and consumers through Website

This is just the start here and it seems to appear the marketing of genomic testing and labs is beginning to resemble the CT scanner rage of a few years ago, except this process is a bit more complicated and still needs more education from the medical side of the business before successful marketing…

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Fujitsu-Siemens quietly introduces tablet PC
Fujitsu-Siemens quietly introduces tablet PC

 Siemens has been expanding the number of products it is now marketing and there have been a few I have listed here in the recent past such as a single sign on process, kiosks, and back in July they announced laying off over 16,000 employees.  There was also the resignation of their healthcare CEO. …

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Philips Signs Global Licensing Deal With Microsoft – Speech Magic
Philips Signs Global Licensing Deal With Microsoft – Speech Magic

Dictation services for Radiology with the integration of the two services.  More about the hospital integration services can be found here.  Recently I have posted about Philips and their investments with the manufacturing of MRI machines in China as well, so they have a pretty large portfolio of p…

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A Glimpse Into Health Care of the Future
A Glimpse Into Health Care of the Future

What this article says is true, we have this technology already.  You can look around this blog and find much of it posted over the last couple years in the technology or medically related sections. Take a look around this blog and you’ll find the smart clothing, brain defibrillators, home monitor…

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Schwarzenegger grapples with new medical insurance laws
Schwarzenegger grapples with new medical insurance laws

If the governor is having a hard time, what about us?  Read the article and you may be more confused on what can be covered and what is not.  It keeps getting more confusing all the time with little or no relief in site.  Who can keep track of the provisions from the insurance companies, the govern…

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How Wall Street Lied to Its Computers –  Software and Programming
How Wall Street Lied to Its Computers – Software and Programming

I posted about this already before finding this article, which in fact is about one of the best I have seen that helps explain the technical side of things  In healthcare software there’s risk management too, so can you imagine the programming to be set up to create an entire practice of sick pati…

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Palin and Couric Interview from Saturday Night Live
Palin and Couric Interview from Saturday Night Live

And she has a tanning bed in the governor’s mansion. And CNN shows us some of the words were the exact same lines used from the real interview when discussing healthcare and jobs.  BD ";" src="…

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Visa Plans To Let Phones Charge Your Purchases
Visa Plans To Let Phones Charge Your Purchases

More new ways to use a cell phone in the works, and easier to run up the tab.  This won’t be out for a while but Visa is working on the project to include multiple cell phone systems with the Google platform being the first.  BD In the not-too-distant future, Visa credit cards may merge with ce…

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Divorce for Medicaid and Marry for Insurance – The American Healthcare System
Divorce for Medicaid and Marry for Insurance – The American Healthcare System

“ There's nothing in the rules that says you can't get divorced for Medicaid”…first it was getting married for insurance benefits and now it’s getting divorced for Medicaid.  Healthcare is starting to erode a lot of ethics here, and all due to money.  If this doesn’t point out that we have one me…

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Scan Man’s Notes – A look at Radiology
Scan Man’s Notes – A look at Radiology

Just wanted to put a short note here about Scan man’s notes.  Lately he has been including some great Radiology information and scans on the blog too.  It’s also nice to hear from someone outside of the US to compare notes on healthcare too.  We all learn from each other.  Scan Man has been gracio…

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Congress Cut DARPA Budget by $130 Million – Why?
Congress Cut DARPA Budget by $130 Million – Why?

This does not make sense, why don’t we find other ways to spend the funds, like perhaps some additional limbs for soldiers that come home from war, bionic arms and hands which DARPA has funded and helped create?  What’s up with this?  DARPA is also involved in biotech research as well.  Flu vacci…

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