FDA approved - investigational?  Why do we have issues with insurance companies?  Where does the money get spent, California is trying to change this to where 85% of premium money goes towards healthcare.  It does make you wonder sometimes when you see so many projects funded by insurance companies, all of which are not bad by any means, but how do their budgets work, maybe something we would all like to know, how much goes towards healthcare and what is administrative, charity, and other related costs.  BD 

"I am faced with an insurance hell. Six days before a planned surgery, Blue Cross denied surgery for an artificial disc implantation or disc arthroplasty. This was on Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2008. The lumbar artificial disc by Synthes Spine called Prodisc was approved by the FDA in August 2006. It is one of two FDA-approved lumbar discs available," said Kim Kutcher of Dana Point, Calif. "It is disconcerting enough to prepare for this kind of surgery without being told a few days before that it is canceled because Blue Cross deems it 'investigational'. I had already gone through pre-op testing, donated a unit of autologous blood, had appointments with four physicians, and arranged my schedule prior to the expected operation date."

Blue Cross Denies Back Surgery For RN


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