image For those of you who read the blog here and are not aware of what a "Carnival" is, it represents a collection of some of the top blogging posts in a period of time assembled in one place to review and read.  Today, Highlight Health is hosting the carnival and I am delighted that one of my earlier posts has been included, along with all of the other contributors!  So if you want to read some of the most current and updated cancer discussions and posts from the web, this is the place.  Take a minute and read through the entries as they are varied and each is an individual entry of it's own from various individuals from different walks of life and focus. 

Also, as a reminder once more, tonight is the night for the first "Stand Up to Cancer" unprecedented broadcast, 8 PM EST.

One other item I might mention from past posts on the blog is that you can also help contribute by lending your computer's idle time to science, called protein folding.  Here's a link where you can read more.  Basically what you are doing is donating the energy and resources of your computer to use to fold proteins, which is a big help in finding the right genomic combinations to help fight disease and more importantly, cancer.  Not to mention the fascination of watching the process as it runs as a screensaver and you get to see some really neat effects on your computer while helping science.  BD

"Welcome to the 13th edition of the Cancer Research Blog Carnival, the blog carnival devoted to cancer research. Everyone knows that cancer is a devastating disease. What many people don't know is that cancer kills more than 1,500 people a day; that's one person every minute. Tonight, Stand Up To Cancer, a one-hour fundraising event, will be simulcast on all three major U.S. networks. The goal of Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) is to enable cutting-edge research aimed at finding a cure to all types of cancer and making cancer part of the national debate."

Cancer Research Blog Carnival #13 - Stand Up To Cancer | Highlight HEALTH


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