If you are looking for software from EMR and EHR vendors that carry certifications, the new process begins taking applications from vendors in October to certify software for the following year.  Each year the list seems to be getting smaller as expenses and time to develop are growing as well.  Also one note of interest, due to increased costs and time, some companies have also reached out to obtain venture capitalist funds as well.  There might just be more of this on the horizon as the fees to be certified are a fairly large chunk of change as well, harder to obtain as profit margins get smaller.  BD

The Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology has named eight new commissioners and re-appointed five others to serve two-year terms on its 21-member board beginning in October.

The Chicago-based commission certifies electronic health records software. In October, it plans to begin accepting applications for a new program certifying health information exchanges.

A 30-day public comment period for the first draft of the commission’s 2009 criteria for ambulatory, child health, cardiovascular medicine, behavioral health, inpatient and emergency department EHRs, as well as personal health records, will be open Sept. 29 to Oct. 28.

For a draft of the criteria, click here.

The commission will accept applications for certification of ambulatory EHRs under the 2008 criteria from Oct. 1, 2008 through March 31, 2009.

CCHIT Appoints Commissioners

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