We all seem to just think about China and India as far as new areas evolving for clinical trials, but now it appears Brazil want to enter the market place as well.  Clinical Trials certainly are taking on a new global personality as the process evolves.  BD 

Over the years, Brazil has increasingly raised its attractiveness for pharmaceutical clinical trials and outsourcing due to cost advantages, considerable patient pool and quality resources. Furthermore, expiring patents, and consequent increasing presence of generics drugs, and fiercely competition are compelling pharmaceutical companies to raise R&D investments and improve the speed of new drugs launching. From the challenges of pharmaceutical companies, to the need of developing new drugs for new diseases, to the increasing and aging population, these companies are setting themselves up to take advantage of promising market dynamics in Brazil. Highlights of the briefing include analyses of: Clinical Trials market overview and profile, structure and processes, outsourcing, major challenges and trends and growth opportunities.

Clinical Trials: The Features And Promises Of The Brazilian Market


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