We all complain about having to wait and the referral process of HMOs.  This is a good post to take a look at here as this man has created an online diary as to the processes that are taking place to get his hip surgery done, a replacement for an artificial hip that is failing.  He driving all over the place and waiting and incredibly not really complaining, but just putting the entire series of events on the web as a story as to how it goes to have a hip replacement replaced.  BD   image

"The appointment was finally set for Friday, and I took off work at around 11:30, grabbed a short lunch, and then drove up to East L.A. Since this is a new doctor, I of course had to fill out the raft of paperwork asking me the same questions about illnesses in my family, and I wrote my address for the umpteenth time, and copied all the information from my insurance card onto the forms, even though the receptionist had already made a copy of the card. You can't do anything without paperwork, lots of paperwork, in the medical atmosphere of the HMO. I waited far less to get into the examining room than last time, and of course I had to take X-rays. The radiologist gave me a small piece of paper with the words "X Rays Completed" and sent me to examining room #29. This is where the wait began."

Don't Have a Leg To Stand On Department | baldmike2004's Xanga Site - Weblog


  1. I guess this sort of treatment will help the individual suffering from that disease.


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