This makes sense as the more an individual is around the practice, the more he/she can learn and make the software work better in the practice, and this might just involve settings, preferences, or hardware adjustments or additions.
As things have become much more complicated these days, so has the decision making process of the IT folks. I experience this quite a bit with folks wanting a 30 second solution, perhaps asking me about software that I have never used, it just doesn’t work that way anymore as we have all evolved from get your AOL disc and get online.
I have had angry physicians, or perhaps the word is more frustrated in the fact that a simple answer or solution can’t be generated in the time frame they think should be applicable. I have heard “now how long is this going to take” many times. It is like the plumber coming out today to fix or update something in your house and with an inspection, that may take longer too, they find additional issues that need to be fixed and addressed before the repair or fix can take place. The more you work with your vendor, the more value and trust will be established and a happier group for all concerned. BD
Practices should treat their I.T. vendors as an extension of their staffs, says Philip Rhoades, CEO at Orthopedic Group Inc., Pawtucket, R.I. Rhoades circulates an annual survey to all staff members, including physicians, to get their feedback on each vendor's performance. "There have been a number of times where I thought a product was working great, but some staff members were grumbling and reluctant to bring it to my attention," he notes. "I want to make sure that everything is working well with the software.
She told the story of one vendor who was "able to come in and learn about my practice's needs and connect the dots between the features of his system and the needs of my practice. Over the course of several meetings, he could make reference to previous conversations about the features I needed because of the way I process patients on the front end. He demonstrated he understood the way we practiced so he could relate the features of his software to our needs."
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