You can read this and create you own opinion as it seems to be saying not to mess with your hormones at a young age and says that it better to wait until one reaches their 40s for more activity.  Being the study was published in the British Journal of Urology, it is on this blog.  If the study has any impact here in the US, could we expect a “black box” warning on products such as this one?  Ok, so I may have over stepped a little here, but just something that had been here on a prior post.  BD 

Another cruel reminder perhaps of everything in moderation? Men who are very sexually active in their twenties and thirties are more likely to develop prostate cancer, especially if they masturbate frequently, according to a study of more than 800 men published in the January issue of BJU International.

However the UK research team also found that frequent sexual activity in a man’s forties appears to have little effect and even small levels of activity in a man’s fifties could offer protection from the disease. Most of the differences were attributed to masturbation rather than sexual intercourse.

The study, led by the University of Nottingham, looked at the sexual practices of more than 431 men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 60, together with 409 controls.  “Overall we found a significant association between prostate cancer and sexual activity in a man’s twenties and between masturbation and prostate cancer in the twenties and thirties. However there was no significant association between sexual activity and prostate cancer in a man’s forties.

Frequent sex and masturbation in 20s and 30s linked to higher prostate cancer risk | BreakThrough Digest Medical News

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