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One more warning about the status of hospitals in the US, and she gets right to the point, the first statement pretty much says it all below, and the comment about Medicare makes sense too, making a larger crowd and a varied mix of patients, if 55 were a starting point, it would add younger and healthier patients to the entire mix, thus making it perhaps easier to spread the cost as well.  I can see why she is searched for speaking and opinion statements relative to hospital care.  BD 

“There are only three ways to save money in the healthcare system -- you serve fewer people, you provide fewer services, or you pay less for the services you provide.”

“For 2009, the biggest challenge will be getting paid. Like the rest of the economy, hospitals are not recession proof.”

“And then I think 65 is too old as a entry point for Medicare. I think if they let people participate starting at 55, you'd add a much healthier group of people, so the price would go down.”

On many occasions, Linda Quick is the voice for healthcare in the region. As president of the South Florida Hospital and Healthcare Association, she represents more than 100 entities in an area that stretches from Key West to St. Lucie County. When a television station needs a comment, a reporter has even gone so far as to track her down at the association's annual golfing event.

Ailing economy affects hospitals' health - Business -


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