Not a good report for the NHS and I wonder if this is one of the facilities with a a lot of outsourced services?   It’s no wonder the Prime Minister had to step in and make sure alcohol will remain affordable>>>>>>

Binge-Drinking to Remain Affordable in England – Moderate Drinkers Should not be Penalized

Back to the serious note of the story, there were nurses that did not know how to use heart monitors as one example. 

The British government apologized Wednesday after a damning official report into a hospital likened by one patient's relative to "a Third World" health centre.

Stafford Hospital in central England was found to have appalling standards of care, putting patients at risk and leading to some dying, according to a report on Tuesday.

Between 400 and 1,200 more people died than would have been expected in a three-year period at the National Health Service (NHS) hospital, according to an investigation by the Healthcare Commission watchdog.

"We do apologise to all those people who have suffered from the mistakes that have been made in the Stafford Hospital," said Prime Minister Gordon Brown, questioned on the matter at his weekly grilling in the House of Commons

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