David Cerino, General Manager, Health Care Solutions talks about how the transitioning to personal health records is going and what the future projects relating to Microsoft HeatlhVault.  Mr. Cerino was one of the founding members of Orbitz (the travel website) and serves on the board of Nexicon.

“Nexicon Inc. delivers next-generation anti-piracy, intellectualproperty security, business intelligence, and network securityproducts and solutions”

With online records we are getting some of the same benefits, but not as in as large way as banking and travel has to offer.  Sixty percent of a physician’s time is spent searching for or waiting for information.  Sixteen percent of the time is spent with actual medical care, those are some shocking numbers to say the least.  Much of this time is working with helping patients get claims covered or paid, or the referring process, or waiting for results to be returned.  We are still at the crossing point to where benefits will show that it outweighs the risk, and by today’s standards, we are moving a lot faster than we were in the beginning days of online banking.  BD 

No way would American consumers ever switch to online banking. It’s too risky, people used to tell David Cerino in the 1990s. Travel? Same story. Consumers would never voluntarily put their credit card numbers into a website that could get hacked.

Turned out the switch to online banking and travel took less than four years, as benefits of convenience outweighed the risks. Cerino, the general manager for health care solutions at Microsoft, played a part in both of those conversions earlier in his career. Now he’s trying to do the same thing with medical records. Microsoft’s Web-based platform, called HealthVault, is 18 months old.

Health care, an industry that accounts for one-seventh of the U.S. economy, is a tough nut to crack. The many players—consumers, physicians, pharmacies, health insurers, labs, governments, employers—have conflicting agendas. But as President Obama has raised the profile of electronic health records as part of the stimulus program, Microsoft has high hopes that consumers, and the rest, will give this long-awaited idea a closer look.

Microsoft’s Vet of Online Banking, Travel Aims To Make You Switch to Digital Health Records | Xconomy


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