This is perhaps an area that many may not be aware of, but yet has an immediate impact on Cancer and other diagnosing and treatments for patients.  There may be delays and some services temporarily not available.  I have been attempting to keep updates here, but thought I would put a request out there for anyone who may want to comment to perhaps make some additional information available from the front lines.  I heard back the other day from the New Mexico Medical Association on how the rural areas in that state are feeling the shortage and just a few days ago reported on how USC is feeling the shortage. 

If anyone wants to add information here to advise, that would be great, just add a comment and yes you can still be anonymous if you like as the purpose here is to hopefully share information and get the word out on what is taking place and what adjustments are being made.  Thanks to anyone who can add some information here to help others.  BD

Isotope Shortage Beginning to be Felt at USC Medical and other Facilities in US and Canada – Updateimage

Isotope Update – Nuclear Radiation Treatments Could be Delayed As Other Plants Close Down for Scheduled Maintenance

Nuclear medicine is feeling the crunch at USC Medical Center where other methods for testing are being explored even though they are more costly.  Tests for cancer to see if it has spread to the bones are put on hold.  PET scans can be used, but are not covered by Medicare for some procedures and screening.  There are only 5 facilities in the world that make isotopes and the one in the Netherlands is scheduled for maintenance shut down next month for 4 weeks, so this leaves us 3 supplies, worldwide.

The Medical Quack: Search results for isotopes


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