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I think if he did, we would not have heard the comment he made about Senator Kennedy.  Again, we are back to members of Congress that know cost is an issue, but no brains in how it is done, as they don’t use technology, they still run around with 1000 pages of printed bills, no use of a Tablet imagePC or Kindle to be more efficient, so I ask, where’s the knowledge? 

Congressman John Fleming – Congress Should not be Exempt from Participating in a National Health Plan

It is sad truth that is appears none of the individuals who are debating this bill have much in the way of personal experience to lend, which is what healthcare is all about, it is a personal experience, one that can save your life.  If we do not offer an alternative health plan, he can be making his physician visits at the Cisco trailer from United Health Care and perhaps then maybe a new level of awareness will appear, showing where technology is going and maybe an effort to get out of the 70s. 

UnitedHealth To Spend Tens of Million of Dollars with Cisco to Build Nationwide Telehealth Network

Connected Care – Webcam Remote Visits Explained by UnitedHealthCare

Granted, there is still work to be done on the bill and hopefully that will progress, but to have comments like this made from those who are oblivious as to how healthcare is evolving just further cements the need for additional education at the Congressional level, so they can see the whole picture and get away from unfound picking and bickering comments such as these mentioned regarding Senator Kennedy.  Where’s the personal hands on experience Senator Grassley with your own healthcare?  BD   

One of the senior senators schedule to meet with President Obama this morning said in a radio interview Wednesday that the president " really does not have an understanding of how Congress operates."
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) also slammed "Obama-care," as well as the health care bills already introduced in the House and the Senate, saying "none of those would get my votes."

Bill Gates – The US Got Off to a Bad Start With Using Computer Data – Healthcare Wasting Money and Needs a Better Model

"They aren't for the Kennedy bill, or the Pelosi bill or Obama-care," Grassley said. "But they will tell you about the third of the dollars we spend on care are wasted in America, and we've got to change things."

Grassley: "Obama-Care" Wouldn't Help Kennedy - Political Hotsheet - CBS News


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