The normal side effects of statins are here, muscle pain, back pain, joint pain and constipation.  Some physicians have recommended the use of imageCOQ10 to help relieve the muscle paint that is a common side effect associated with statins.  COQ10 occurs naturally in the body and statins may decrease that level. 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved the 4 milligram maximum dose of Livalo (pitavastatin), a drug intended to improve blood cholesterol levels in persons with elevated or abnormal blood cholesterol levels.

Like other statins, Livalo is intended for patients when diet and exercise fail to lower their cholesterol levels. Statins improve elevated blood cholesterol levels primarily by inhibiting a liver enzyme called HMG Co-A reductase, thus reducing the liver's ability to make cholesterol.

FDA Approves New Cholesterol-Lowering Drug


  1. Cardiologist Peter Langsjoen notes that statin treatment may lead to heart muscle weakening and failure. ‘It occurs because statin drugs block the production of coenzyme Q10, vital for the production of cell energy,’ says Langsjoen. ‘Evidence to the FDA shows marked reduction of CoQ10 in patients on statin drugs.’
    Another point to be borne in mind is the use of long term drug therapy to lower cholesterol levels, where it is unclear what the full effects might be over a 30 year period. In spite of this, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gives approval for this class of drugs on the basis of less than 10 years’ clinical trials.


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