I have heard even from my mother, who is a senior on some of the viral emails she has been receiving from various groups and I could not believe the amount of emails that she, for one has been targeted with on the issue, and some of which are just downright scary.  If you are not aware of the email campaigns, ask a senior you know about what they are receiving in their inbox, and you could become enlightened here.  No wonder the Town Hall meetings are getting more violet and emotional.  Some of us too who are not seniors may be getting a full helping of this too, but the targeted senior age group for one is certainly being bombarded. 


There is also a FAQ page that answers some commonly asked questions too.  Again, I go back to education and not scare tactics as being the best way to get messages across.  I would love to see citizens educated on how the entire process works, to include the role that technology plays, as this is something Congress is coming to grips with as well, new laws and technology need to work together in unison, otherwise we have laws and regulations made that are useless and don’t do anybody much good, this is the big fear in my opinion and why we need leaders with at least some limited IT experience, (or some that will go get some merely by participating) in consumer related healthcare issues.  How can Congress create laws in areas where they have not tested the water themselves?  Hands on experience in consumer matters, and that is healthcare as we all need it, is the best medicine and with this will come some successful mentors too, a good thing and perhaps an end to the viral email campaigns that are feeding on those who simply have not had the opportunity to be educated on how the world and technology functions today, decision making processes are all about the algorithms we use.  Read this post below on how Social Security is learning from working with algorithms and technology as an example.  BD 

Social Security Administration To Pay Out Benefits Withheld Due to Bad Implementation of Data Base

There are quite a few "viral emails" floating around, making outlandish claims about health insurance reform and pretending to be careful analyses of the bills moving through Congress. Drafted to appear as if they are written by concerned citizens, more often the information comes from organizations with a strident agenda to protect the status quo. White House Health Reform Director Nancy-Ann DeParle takes on one of the most prevalent emails directly.

The return of the viral email | Health Insurance Reform Reality Check


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