When it comes to almost everything we do today, research and development healthcare software, computer operating systems and on and on, we build on either technologies and research that is already done.  Starting from scratch on healthcare would be like Microsoft dumping every idea, piece of code they have and starting from the bottom – it doesn’t work that way.  Can we get the Republicans out of the 70s?  These folks are flat out dense.  The President mentions the insurance carrier in California at the link below:

HHS to California Blue Cross – Bring Your Algorithms to Washington And Explain

I posted this back in September 2009 and we are still at ground zero. 

We are having to live within “High Frequency Healthcare” and they don’t get it. 

Would Someone Explain Data Aggregation and “High Frequency Healthcare” to the US Congress

This is really getting bad with having non participants making decisions and the lack of knowledge is beginning to show with the cop out of saying “NO” to everything they don’t understand, anyway this is what it’s beginning to look like big time.  If you don’t get it or understand just say “no”?  That will only get you so far until transparency reveals the truth and it coming.  Technology has given that to the world, except we have a bunch of folks still sitting around in “tech denial” and think computers are still just for entertainment I guess. 

Healthcare reform should not be confused with the drug campaign of “just saying no”, which I think came out in the 70s.  In this case it does not work.  BD   

Are We Ever Going to Get Some Algorithm Centric Laws for Healthcare

President Obama plans to hold a half-day, televised health care summit on February 25, 2010 with the expectation that Democrats and Republicans will go through various health care issues and possibly arrive at some agreements.

Medicare Update: President Obama Calls for Televised Health Care Summit


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